Friday, June 18, 2010

Windsor, Canada Bound

So our journey has begun... Roxanna and I made it to Windsor, Canada and are waiting for the bus to take us to Toronto, Canada Airport. It was very eventful trying to locate the bus pickup. ROXANNA forgot to google directions and we had to stop twice to ask for help! While walking to Tim Horton's we decided to j-walk like the Canadians, and had a great experience with almost being hit by all the semi's coming at us full force.

Thank you Iggy for dropping us off. We appreciate it!!
Until Toronto...



  1. have fun you guys! ang, sorry I didnt get back to ya on the camera. i just got this computer back up and still have no phone. take many pics!!

  2. No Problem Keith. I am glad I decided on the Olympus. It takes amazing pictures!! I am trying to upload pictures on my bog, but the internet is being difficult. Hopefully tomorrow you guys can see new ones.
